Courses T to T
- TAFE SA - FBP30921 Certificate III in Wine Industry Operations (Viticulture)
- TAFE SA - FBP50121 Diploma of Food Science and Technology
- TAFE SA - FNS30322 Certificate III in Accounts Administration
- TAFE SA - FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
- TAFE SA - FNS50222 Diploma of Accounting
- TAFE SA - FNSTPB505 Apply Legal Principles in Property Law (Tax Agent Registration)
- TAFE SA - FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
- TAFE SA - FSK10219 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways
- TAFE SA - FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- TAFE SA - HLT35021 Certificate III in Dental Assisting
- TAFE SA - HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
- TAFE SA - HLT37315 Certificate III in Health Administration
- TAFE SA - HLT43021 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
- TAFE SA - HLT45021 Certificate IV in Dental Assisting
- TAFE SA - HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing
- TAFE SA - HLT55118 Diploma of Dental Technology
- TAFE SA - ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology
- TAFE SA - ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking)
- TAFE SA - ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Programming)
- TAFE SA - ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Systems Administration Support)
- TAFE SA - ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Web Development)
- TAFE SA - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Networking) & (Cloud Engineering)
- TAFE SA - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Programming)
- TAFE SA - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Back End Web Development)
- TAFE SA - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
- TAFE SA - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Systems Administration) & (Cloud Engineering)
- TAFE SA - LGA50120 Diploma of Local Government (Planning)
- TAFE SA - MAR20321 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal)
- TAFE SA - MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
- TAFE SA - MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade
- TAFE SA - MEM30522 Certificate III in Engineering - Technical
- TAFE SA - MEM31922 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
- TAFE SA - MEM50222 Diploma of Engineering - Technical
- TAFE SA - MSF30122 Certificate III in Furniture Finishing
- TAFE SA - MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology
- TAFE SA - MSF30422 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing
- TAFE SA - MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology
- TAFE SA - MSF40122 Certificate IV in Interior Decoration
- TAFE SA - MSF50222 Diploma of Interior Design
- TAFE SA - MSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills
- TAFE SA - MSL40122 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques
- TAFE SA - MSL50122 Diploma of Laboratory Technology
- TAFE SA - MST31022 Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
- TAFE SA - MST50122 Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
- TAFE SA - MSTSS00017 Sample Machining Skill Set
- TAFE SA - NWP30222 Certificate III in Water Industry Operations (Networks)
- TAFE SA - NWP30222 Certificate III in Water Industry Operations (Wastewater Treatment)
- TAFE SA - NWP30222 Certificate III in Water Industry Operations (Water Treatment)
- TAFE SA - PSP20218 Certificate II in Auslan
- TAFE SA - PSP30218 Certificate III in Auslan
- TAFE SA - PSP40122 Certificate IV in Government
- TAFE SA - PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations
- TAFE SA - PSP40818 Certificate IV in Auslan
- TAFE SA - PSP50922 Diploma of Interpreting (Spoken Language)
- TAFE SA - RII20120 Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation
- TAFE SA - RII30420 Certificate III in Resource Processing
- TAFE SA - RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- TAFE SA - SFI20119 Certificate II in Aquaculture
- TAFE SA - SFI30119 Certificate III in Aquaculture
- TAFE SA - SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry
- TAFE SA - SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- TAFE SA - SHB30121 Certificate III in Beauty Services
- TAFE SA - SHB30321 Certificate III in Nail Technology
- TAFE SA - SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
- TAFE SA - SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering
- TAFE SA - SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy
- TAFE SA - SHB60221 Advanced Diploma of Skin Therapy
- TAFE SA - SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail
- TAFE SA - SIR40316 Certificate IV in Retail Management
- TAFE SA - SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness
- TAFE SA - SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness
- TAFE SA - SIS50421 Diploma of Outdoor Leadership
- TAFE SA - SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
- TAFE SA - SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery
- TAFE SA - SIT30122 Certificate III in Tourism
- TAFE SA - SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel
- TAFE SA - SIT30522 Certificate III in Events
- TAFE SA - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
- TAFE SA - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- TAFE SA - SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie
- TAFE SA - SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality
- TAFE SA - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- TAFE SA - SIT40721 Certificate IV in Patisserie
- TAFE SA - SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management
- TAFE SA - SIT50322 Diploma of Event Management
- TAFE SA - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- TAFE SA - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- TAFE SA - SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- TAFE SA - TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- TAFE SA - TLILIC0003 Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck
- TAFE SA - TLILIC0005 Licence to Operate a Boom-type Elevating Work Platform (Boom Length 11 Metres or More)
- TAFE SA - UEE20720 Certificate II in Data and Voice Communications
- TAFE SA - UEE21920 Certificate II in Electronics
- TAFE SA - UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)
- TAFE SA - UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
- TAFE SA - UEE31220 Certificate III in Instrumentation and Control
- TAFE SA - UEE32220 Certificate III in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- TAFE SA - UEE40420 Certificate IV in Electrical - Instrumentation
- TAFE SA - UEE50420 Diploma of Electrical Engineering
- TAFE SA - UEE50520 Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering
- TalentMed - 10795NAT Diploma of Healthcare Documentation
- TalentMed - BSBMED301 Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately
- TalentMed - HLT50321 Diploma of Clinical Coding
- TalentMed - HLT57715 Diploma of Practice Management
- Taminmin College - ACM10121 Certificate I in Animal Care Industry Pathways
- Taminmin College - AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture
- Taminmin College - AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture
- Taminmin College - AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
- Taminmin College - AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- Taminmin College - AUR20520 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
- Taminmin College - BSB10120 Certificate I in Workplace Skills
- Taminmin College - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Taminmin College - CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction
- Taminmin College - CPC20120 Certificate II in Construction
- Taminmin College - MEM10119 Certificate I in Engineering
- Taminmin College - MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
- Taminmin College - RGR10118 Certificate I in Racing (Stablehand)
- Taminmin College - RGR20221 Certificate II in Racing Industry
- Taminmin College - SFI10119 Certificate I in Seafood Industry
- Taminmin College - SHB20121 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
- Taminmin College - SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- Taminmin College - SIR10116 Certificate I in Retail Service
- Taminmin College - SIT10222 Certificate I in Hospitality
- Taminmin College - SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery
- Taminmin College - UEE10120 Certificate I in ElectroComms Skills
- Taminmin College - UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology
- Tamworth Community College - BSB10120 Certificate I in Workplace Skills
- Tamworth Community College - BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
- Tamworth Community College - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Tamworth Community College - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)
- Tamworth Community College - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- Tamworth Community College - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Administration)
- Tamworth Community College - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Tamworth Community College - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- Tamworth Community College - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Tamworth Community College - CPCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry
- Tamworth Community College - FNS30317 Certificate III in Accounts Administration
- Tamworth Community College - FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
- Tamworth Community College - FSK10219 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways
- Tamworth Community College - FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- Tamworth Community College - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- Tamworth Community College - HLTHPS006 Assist Clients with Medication
- Tamworth Community College - PUAFER008 Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility
- Tamworth Community College - RIIWHS202E Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
- Tamworth Community College - RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights
- Tamworth Community College - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- Tamworth Community College - SITHFAB024 Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverages
- Tamworth Community College - SITHFAB025 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
- Tamworth Community College - SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services
- Tamworth Community College - SITXFSA005 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety
- Tamworth Community College - SITXFSA006 Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices
- Tamworth Community College - TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Tamworth Community College - TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
- Tamworth Community College - TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development
- Tamworth Community College - TAEASS502 Design and Develop Assessment Tools
- Tamworth Community College - UETDREL006 Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus as a Non-Electrical Worker
- Target Training - BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
- Target Training - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Target Training - BSB30220 Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business
- Target Training - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- Target Training - BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
- Target Training - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Target Training - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Target Training - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Target Training - CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Target Training - CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Target Training - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Target Training - CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Target Training - CHCSS00097 Individual Support – Ageing Skill Set
- Target Training - CHCSS00098 Individual Support – Disability Skill Set
- Target Training - CHCSS00099 Individual Support – Home and Community (Ageing) Skill Set
- Target Training - CHCSS00100 Individual Support – Home and Community (Disability) Skill Set
- Target Training - CPPSS00076 Administration Management / Office Support Skill Set
- Target Training - FNS41815 Certificate IV in Financial Services
- Target Training - HLTSS00064 Infection Control Skill Set
- Target Training - HLTSS00065 Infection Control Skill Set (Retail)
- Target Training - HLTSS00066 Infection control Skill Set (Food Handling)
- Target Training - SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services
- Target Training - SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail
- Target Training - SIR40316 Certificate IV in Retail Management
- Target Training - SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality
- Target Training - SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality
- Target Training - SITSS00051 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- Taronga Training Institute - ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care
- Taronga Training Institute - ACM30321 Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care
- TasCollege - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- TasCollege - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- TasCollege - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- TasCollege - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- TasCollege - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- TasCollege - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- TasCollege - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- TasCollege - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- TasCollege - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- TasCollege - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- TasCollege - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Tasmanian Building Group Apprenticeship Scheme - CPC20120 Certificate II in Construction
- Tasmanian Building Group Apprenticeship Scheme - CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
- Tasmanian Building Group Apprenticeship Scheme - MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology
- TasTAFE - 10880NAT Course in Firearms Safety (approved for Firearms Licensing in Tasmania)